Carolina Reeper Episodes

Ep. 157 – World Cup Confusion, Cornhole Controversy, Residual Checks and Dry-Docking!

What Up Bumpkins? Welcome to episode 157 of COUNTRY-ish. Today’s show is gonna be like stuffing bean bags in your World Cup while kicking you in your cornhole as you’re dry-docking! It’s Giving Tuesday… did you give anything today? Do you give a shit? In BEST TRENDS, USA vs IRAN is trending on Twitter. Are we at war? I don’t know… but if it’s about soccer and the World Cup, I still don’t care. Marc and I have some questions about soccer… maybe sound engineer Moose can help us out. And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, the Cornhole world was rocked by a cheating scandal called “BagGate”. What happened? And what is the ACL (American Cornhole League” going to do about it? I got more money for y’all… so the audience calls in for a chance to win one of my Screen Actor’s Guild Residual Checks. How much is it and for what show

Ep. 156 – Thanks and Givings, Help Me Elon Musk, and Win My Money!

What Up Bumpkins? Welcome to episode 155 of COUNTRY-ish. Today’s show is gonna be full of Thanks and Givings. Thanksgiving is coming up. So we are gonna talk about all that we are thankful for. Plus me and the boys celebrate our favorite Irrational National Day… National Cranberry Relish Day!  What is it?  Who created it?  And how do you make your own?  I may even have a recipe to share. And in Best Trends… Help Me, Elon Musk!    My Twitter name says I am still in Myrtle Beach, SC… and I can’t fix it.  Can I make a plea to Elon Musk to help me out? Oh, and the World Cup is going on.  But we really don’t care. And finally, Who Will Win My Money?   It’s another round of How Much Is That Screen Actor’s Guild Residual Check?  This week’s check is a whopper… but which

Ep. 155 – Secrets Revealed on “Truth-or-Drink” and Goodwill Hunting Three-Way!

What up, Bumpkin’s?  This week’s episode is a hodge-podge and a little crazy.  We go a little more laid-back since we had to pre-record the show. We play a round of GOODWILL HUNTING… the “three-way” edition as we have both Marcus Stamos and Sebastian join in the unboxing fun. Then we play a game of “TRUTH OR DRINK” with everyone in the studio.  What secrets are revealed?  Who has the grossest bodily habit?  Who is the better lover?  And when did everyone lose respect for Sebastian? Join us for a laid-back show this week!

Ep. 154 – Elon Musk, Twitter, Election Day & Harvey Wallbangers!

It’s a free-wheeling show this week as I have Sebastian (Southeastern Man of Mystery) and Mark Have-a-Balls-Deep in the studio to catch up and talk about the news of the day. It’s Election Day!  Who did you vote for?  I don’t care unless it’s someone different than who I voted for. We talk about the election and how Sebastian almost got kicked out of Wal-Mart for refusing to show his ID. I’m excited for Elon Musk and his Twitter takeover! Maybe this means Twitter will actually become good for me?  We talk blue checks and getting shadowbanned for a controversial Heffron & Reep clip! Also, it’s National Harvey Wallbanger Day!  How did that name come about?  And do we have any Wallbangers to drink? Live on Facebook, Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm ET! Join actor/comedian Jon Reep on his weekly show COUNTRY-ish, where he and his crew talk about the latest BEST TRENDS, share some

Ep. 153 – Time Capsules, Walgreens, Scary Haunts, Being Happy & Fortune Feimster!

Today’s show is gonna be one sick throw-back, time capsule Tuesday! Jon Reep  is out sick. We think he has Laryngitis… we’re not sure. He’s not talking to us. He has a lot of big shows coming up so he’s gonna heal his voice during this week’s show. Instead, we have one of the COUNTRY-ish co-hosts Sebastian McConaughey, aka the Southeastern Man of Mystery. And he’s going to relive some moments you may have missed from the past couple years of the show. Like the “Welcome to Walgreens” flash mob… The “Don’t Worry Be Happy” music video… Our visit to Lake Hickory Haunts last year… And Jon’s interview with comedian Fortune Feimster. Plus, there are a few surprises… Does Sebastian stick to the script Jon wrote for him? Does Elliott finally remove his mask? Live on Facebook, Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm ET! Join actor/comedian Jon Reep on his weekly show COUNTRY-ish, where he and his

Ep. 152 – Ghost Tours, The Tiny Terror Convention and Bees on the Loose!

What Up Bumpkins? Welcome to episode 151 of COUNTRY-ish. Today’s show is like a shot of Fuzzy, Ferocious, Furry Firewater! In BEST TRENDS, a mountain climber beats off a bear with his bare hands! The video we watch is pretty grizzly. Have you ever beat off a bear? Leave it in the comments for us. Plus, I give away money to my live audience in another round of HOW MUCH IS THAT SCREEN ACTORS’ GUILD RESIDUAL CHECK? Audience members call in and chat and give their guesses on how much my check was for my work on JANE THE VIRGIN. Also, Sebastian and I took a trip to Mount Pleasant, NC not long ago to visit Southern Grace Distillery and we did a little whiskey-tasting. How do I handle 130-proof corn whiskey? You have to see this. And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, a Home Inspector was caught on camera masturbating with an Elmo doll. He

Ep. 151 – Corn Whiskey Drinkin’ & Elmo Gets Violated

What Up Bumpkins? Welcome to episode 151 of COUNTRY-ish. Today’s show is like a shot of Fuzzy, Ferocious, Furry Firewater! In BEST TRENDS, a mountain climber beats off a bear with his bare hands! The video we watch is pretty grizzly. Have you ever beat off a bear? Leave it in the comments for us. Plus, I give away money to my live audience in another round of HOW MUCH IS THAT SCREEN ACTORS’ GUILD RESIDUAL CHECK? Audience members call in and chat and give their guesses on how much my check was for my work on JANE THE VIRGIN. Also, Sebastian and I took a trip to Mount Pleasant, NC not long ago to visit Southern Grace Distillery and we did a little whiskey-tasting. How do I handle 130-proof corn whiskey? You have to see this. And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, a Home Inspector was caught on camera masturbating with an Elmo doll. He

Ep. 150 – Interview with Jim Breuer! A COUNTRY-ish Bonus Dish

Jon Reep spent some time talking with one of his favorite comedians, Jim Breuer, and they talk about Jim’s latest special, his daughters’ sense of humor, his own history as a COUNTRY-ish performer, and recalling a horrible show he had at the Gator Growl. Live on Facebook, Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm ET! Join actor/comedian Jon Reep on his weekly show COUNTRY-ish, where he and his crew talk about the latest BEST TRENDS, share some SMALL TOWN NEWS, and play games with the live audience!

Ep. 149 – Piglet Protesters & Fishermen Caught Cheatin’!

Today’s show is gonna Rock You Like a Hurricane that’s blowing big rigs full of beer, lube, and dildos! In BEST TRENDS, Hurricane Ian is coming all over Florida. But then again, who hasn’t? Hope everyone is ready for the storm. Also, Jimmy Fallon has a new hashtag #IUsedToThink. Tweet something funny or weird that you used to think and tag it with #IUsedToThink. Could be on the show! I was on Jimmy’s show one… we play the clip as proof. Also, I got more money for y’all… so call in for a chance to win one of my Residual Checks. How much is it? IDK. Watch the show to find out. Also, Marc Hunt is here! So we’re gonna unbox gifts we bought each other at a Goodwill in another edition of Goodwill Hunting. And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, what do dildos, lube, and Coors Light all have in common? They all got plastered on the

Ep. 148 – Hurricane’s a-Comin’!

Today’s show is gonna Rock You Like a Hurricane that’s blowing big rigs full of beer, lube, and dildos! In BEST TRENDS, Hurricane Ian is coming all over Florida. But then again, who hasn’t? Hope everyone is ready for the storm. Also, Jimmy Fallon has a new hashtag #IUsedToThink. Tweet something funny or weird that you used to think and tag it with #IUsedToThink. Could be on the show! I was on Jimmy’s show one… we play the clip as proof. Also, I got more money for y’all… so call in for a chance to win one of my Residual Checks. How much is it? IDK. Watch the show to find out. Also, Marc Hunt is here! So we’re gonna unbox gifts we bought each other at a Goodwill in another edition of Goodwill Hunting. And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, what do dildos, lube, and Coors Light all have in common? They all got plastered on the

Ep. 147 – #NyQuilChickenChallenge, Way Beyond Meat, Residual Checks and Goodwill Hunting!

Join actor/comedian JON REEP and his studio crew for this week’s episode of COUNTRY-ish! Jon’s trip to Naples, Florida turned out to be something! “Gingers Get In Free” to Jon’s standup shows might have to be revisited. In BEST TRENDS #TimAllen makes a Joe Biden joke on Twitter and is taking some heat! Plus! What is the #NyQuilchickechallenge? What’s next Benadryl Mashed Potatoes? And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, The COO of Beyond Meat bit a man’s face and ripped the “flesh” from the tip of the nose following a traffic incident. Officially making him the “Mike Tyson of Plant Based Foods”. Jon’s giving away more money with another round of HOW MUCH IS THAT SCREEN ACTORS GUILD RESIDUAL CHECK?  This time it’s an episode from Jon’s appearance on Byron Allen’s Comics Unleashed on Comedy.TV.  Who’s the lucky winner? Jon Reep and Marcus Stamos do a little unboxing of gifts they got each other from a

Ep. 146 – Smuggled Donkey Penises! AirDrop Nudes! And the “Hayseed Gen-Z” returns!

Did you watch the Emmy’s last night? Neither did Jon… he watched football like a man. But don’t worry… he made our young “Hayseed Gen-Z”, Intern Isaiah, watch it and give us a full report. And he does a voice-over from the movie BIG STONE GAP with his sultry southern twang. In BEST TRENDS, Jon talks about the LSU “Tiger Stroll” where a student was issued a summons after walking onto the field and threatening police during the first half of the LSU vs Southern game Saturday night. Plus, #AirDropNudes is trending as a Southwest Airlines pilot threatened to turn a plane around and return to the gate if passengers didn’t stop sending unsolicited nude photos to each other. Jon’s giving away more money with another round of HOW MUCH IS THAT SCREEN ACTORS GUILD RESIDUAL CHECK? This time it’s an episode of EASTBOUND AND DOWN. Who’s the lucky winner? And in SMALL TOWN NEWS, Nigerian officials seized a bunch of

Ep. 145 – #Spitgate with Harry Styles & Chris Pine, Salami Mukbang & 20,000 Bee Stings!

Today’s show is Submarine Sandwich full of Bees and Spit! Join actor/comedian JON REEP and his studio crew for this week’s episode of COUNTRY-ish! Did Harry Styles spit on Chris Pine?In BEST TRENDS, Jon carefully examines the footage and makes his decision in the #SpitGate controversy. In SMALL TOWN NEWS, an Ohio tree-trimmer is stung by 20,000 bees at one time! He’s expected to make a full recovery… but this story really changes Jon’s stand-up bit about his dad saying “Bees live in trees!” To celebrate National Salami Day, Jon and his mother, Mom’osa, take a trip to Sub Station II for another installment of MUKBANGING WITH MOM’OSA. What did Jon and Mom’osa think of Sub Station II’s customer service? Let’s just say Jon will not be recommending the place anytime soon. It’s time to give away Jon’s money as he invites listeners to play another round of HOW MUCH

Ep. 144 – Football, Movies, Residual Checks, Lee Cruse & Hooters Vagina Hot Wings!

Today’s show is One Big Bloody Bluegrass Pigskin! Intern Isaiah has a new HAYSEED GEN-Z movie review for us! Isaiah talks about the movie LOGAN LUCKY starring Adam Driver, Channing Tatum, and Daniel Craig. What did he think about the movie? And can the COUNTRY-ish crew talk about movies with the temptation to spoil them for everyone? Are you ready for some Football? In BEST TRENDS, Jon and the crew talk about the upcoming Appalachian State University and University of North Carolina football game… where the Tar Heels are the underdogs. What does producer The Alan Jackson, a UNC grad, have to say about this? What’s everyone’s predictions for the big game? #WhatNotToWearAtWork is also trending, which gives Jon a chance to make some constructive criticism about Elliott the Intern and his choice to wear cologne in the studio. In SMALL TOWN NEWS, a Hooters waitress was caught dipping chicken

Ep. 143 – Hot Dog Beer Straws, JJ Walker, Goodwill Hunting & Armless Man Stabs Someone with his Feet!

Today’s show is like a Hot Diggity Footlong Dynamite Dog! In BEST TRENDS, Jimmy “JJ” Walker is back again and he also wants to give you Money!! What does that mean? Also, there’s a guy who was caught on video drinking his beer with a straw he made out of a hot dog. That sounds like something the COUNTRY-ish crew should try! Watch as Jon Reep and Marcus Stamos try their own hot dog straws to drink their beer… and, yes, it’s as bad as it sounds. In SMALL TOWN NEWS, Jon Reep tells the story of a man in Florida with no arms who was arrested for stabbing a guy with scissors using his feet. How souless! Jon’s all up in arms… or, all up in feet… about this story! Jon Reep and Marcus Stamos do a little unboxing of gifts they got each other from a local Goodwill store

Ep. 142 – Jokes, Mullet Championships, Residual Checks & Pushing Peanuts Up Mountains with Noses!

Today’s show is gonna be Hairy, Nutty, and Hilarious. But not in that order. It’s National “Tell a Joke Day”! Jon goes around the room and asks his COUNTRY-ish crew to tell their favorite jokes. And, surprise surprise, Intern Isaiah has the dirtiest joke of the whole group. In BEST TRENDS, a 7-year-old has grown the world’s most majestic mullet. Will he win the USA Mullet Championship? Jon looks over his competition and gives his thoughts on all of their beautiful heads of hair. And did Jon Reep ever have a mullet? In SMALL TOWN NEWS, a man in Colorado pushed a peanut up a mountain… using his nose. What type of nut would you choose if you had to push one up a mountain? And Jon decides he wants to start his own nut-pushing challenge up the much smaller Baker’s Mountain in Hickory. And finally, it’s time to win

Ep. 141 – Shane Mauss, Monkey’s Blood, Trainwrecks & Jack Daniels Golf Cart Driving

Today’s show is like a sick monkey in a mossy mosh pit. In BEST TRENDS, Jon talks about TRAINWRECK, the new Netflix documentary series about Woodstock ’99.  Trash everywhere, super hot, lots of naked people… this festival was a sh&#show! Plus… #Monkeypox is trending, but Jon is more interested in talking about Monkey’s Blood!  Do you remember this from your childhood?  Could Monkey’s Blood be the way to cure Monkeypox? Jon welcomes comedian SHANE MAUSS to the show to talk his first time on stage, messing with his audience, and his new ginger beard! Plus, Jon talks about Shane’s upcoming music, comedy, art and science festival, Mind Under Matter, in Raleigh NC ( In this week’s SMALL TOWN NEWS, Jon reports on a story of a Florida woman who was caught driving a golf cart on the interstate with an open bottle of Jack Daniels.  And now she’s a caddie for

Ep. 140 – National Boob Day, Jacksonville Chicken Man & Aliens Fighting Dragons

Todays show is a titillating, heaping handful of Florida fun! In BEST TRENDS, it’s National Boob Day, and National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!  How is Jon Reep going to celebrate both of these special events on the same day?  Jon explains the history of the ice cream sandwich, as well as trolls PETA about post they made today. Then, Jon revisits a Small Town News story about a man who was arrested for killing his neighbor’s pet chicken.  Jon talks to the chicken killer, James Nix Jr., and gets his side of the story. In SMALL TOWN NEWS, Jon reports on the story of a man who claims President Biden told him to drive a stolen truck to Patrick Space Force Base to notify US aliens about fighting Chinese dragons.  And Jon believes him? And finally, Jon gives his listeners another chance to win his money in this week’s round

Ep. 139 – Jason Aldean, Juston McKinney, Residual Checks, & Free Movies for Gingers!

We have a bad sketchy, hot, bright ginger loving show for you today! In BEST TRENDS, a new mural honoring country music singer Jason Aldean just popped up on the side of a Dollar General store and people are talking about it… but not in a good way. Plus, it’s National Auntie Anne’s Day!  What does Jon think about pretzels? In SMALL TOWN NEWS, Jon shares a story he has been waiting his whole life to see… Redheads are offered free movie tickets to help them dodge the extreme heat!  Does this help with all the discrimination Jon and his fellow gingers have been facing?  Or are redheads getting special treatment? In WHO’S ZOOMIN’ WHO? Jon welcomes his friend and fellow comedian JUSTON MCKINNEY to the show to talk about his upcoming YouTube special, above-ground pools, pretzels and hot dogs. And Jon’s got more money to give away in this

Ep. 138 – Schwarzenegger Face Farting, Daiquiri Day, Goodwill Hunting, and Man Kills Friend to Stop Him from Summoning Sasquatch

We have a sweet tasting, deadly, gassy show for you today! Actor/Comedian Jon Reep is joined by Marcus Stamos, Intern Isaiah, Elliott and Mark to read some comments from last week’s show, talk about Jon’s time at the STAR WARS park in Disney World, and some recent shows. In BEST TRENDS, it’s National Daiquiri Day!  How did the daiquiri get it’s name?  And Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the news for farting in somebody’s face while working on a movie.  Jon asks the question on everyone’s mind… did they deserve it?  And has anyone in his studio crew ever farted in someone’s face? And as usual, Jon’s giving his money away.  He’s got more Residual Checks for some lucky listener to win.  Live viewers call in to guess the amount of Jon’s residual check from an episode of the sitcom RODNEY. In SMALL TOWN NEWS, a man killed his friend during a fishing trip….