Ep. 172 – The Oscars, Small Town News, and Happy National Pi (Pie) Day!

Today’s show is like, “When the moon, hits your eye, like a big hairy pie. That’s a nastay!”
It’s National Pie Day! Or, I meant to say National “PI” Day. What the hell is PI? And what other Irrational National holidays are today?  Check out this week’s show as we’re gonna make fun of them.

In our Best Trends segment, we talk about the Oscars and Jimmy Kimmel’s performance as the host. And we have St. Patricks Day coming up. Who in our studio crew has a birthday on that awesome day

In Small Town News, a guy In Grundy, VA got caught eating “hair pie” at a gas station. Happy Pi Day! And Happy Taco Tuesday! Intern Isaiah does a great job of sharing this story and even gets in a joke that gets a laugh out of the engineer booth.

Also, I give away more of my hard-earned money in this week’s edition of HOW MUCH IS THAT SCREEN ACTORS GUILD RESIDUAL CHECK? Who’s going to win the check? And do they choose to take the check, or something from the Mystery Swag Box?