Ep. 76 – Chris Porter, Prego, Vegemite, Residual Checks & Emotional Support Pigs!

In this episode Jon & Sebastian get together and talk about their Mother’s Day weekends. Jon and his brother took their Mom’osa to the Cracker Barrel and when she ordered a Mimosa they asked to see her ID! Then in “Best Trends”, Prego spaghetti sauce is trending after someone makes a lifehack video on how to make spaghetti for a large crowd on a counter top. Then it’s time to play “How Much Is That Screen Actors Guild Residual Check?” as Jon takes listeners’ phone calls to guess the amount of one of his acting residual checks.  After that it’s time for “Who’s Zoomin Who?” as comedian Chris Porter joins the show to talk about his disdain for pickles and all things dill. Next up, comedian Dan Green from the “G’Daay from LA” show zooms in to talk about his segment  “Are You My Vege-mate” as the Country-ish crew tries Vegemite for the first time!  And finally in “Small Town News” a local “Karen” spots a woman taking her emotional support pig on a walk and loses it. This episode will leave a serious after taste in your mouth.