Ep. 71 – Jon Joins the BTS Army, Comedian Tim Gaither, and Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Comedian/Actor Jon Reep and Marcus Stamos talk about Jon’s recent trip to SC and an encounter with some very angry geese.  In “Best Trends” we learn about the BTS Army with Jon and Marcus making their own BTS “selfies” and then discuss “Kong vs. Godzilla”.  Plus, Jon debuts the music video for his bluegrass version of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”.  Jon then welcomes comedian Tim Gaither to chat over Zoom about Tim’s early days in comedy and his promising wrestling career.  In “Small Town News” a deer comes flying into the windshield of a school bus while never waking up the student in the seat where he lands.  And in “Goodwill Hunting”, Jon gives Marcus a gift to help clean his nasty microwave.  This episode will have you humming “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”